Why I voted for Joe Biden

What happens when four years of frustrating thoughts find their words.

Heather Machel
4 min readOct 31, 2020
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

It began with an article about Donald Trump averaging over 50 false claims a day, but quickly moved to a discussion that would help me put into words some of the frustrations I have had for years now.

Honestly, way back in 2016, when this all started, I wanted it to go well. I had a little bit of hope that maybe I would be surprised. Me being me, I soak up information, and seek it out. I keep an open mind. I’m willing to change my mind and admit I am wrong, when I am.

So when a Trump supporter tried to highjack my post, saying my information was wrong, I welcomed the chance to get another perspective.

I ended up being disappointed. The Trump supporter said she found proof my information was wrong, but she didn’t share it. She said I was just “trashing Trump” and wanted a list of what Joe has done for the American people.

I started researching Biden’s political history, his accomplishments, his failures, and everything in between. The information is out there. I stopped because those are not the reasons I voted for him.

I voted for him because of the big picture.

I voted for him because of where we are and where we are heading.

I voted for him because of how the last four years have gone.

I voted for him because he cared enough to take the advice of scientific experts to structure his campaign and events in ways that made it safe for everyone.

I voted for him because when he was vice president he helped establish a protocol for a pandemic scenario. Unfortunately, it was dismantled a few years ago. It would have been very helpful with the current situation.

I voted for him because he worked to help save my dad’s job years ago. Unfortunately, the General Motors Lordstown plant closed not too long ago, and now many small businesses have also closed because of it. And many people are living hundreds of mile away from their kids and families because they were forced to transfer to another plant.

They were promised, by the current administration, that their jobs were safe. Trump made that promise while he was here. They believed him, and they paid the price for it.

I voted for Joe Biden because he is capable of empathy.

He will stay after the cameras are off and answer questions people have. He doesn’t leave them stranded in the cold.

I voted for him because he is working towards equality and diversity.

The national security advisors say the country’s biggest threat, right now, is white supremacy. In 2020! White supremacy.

I voted for him because he does not condone white supremacy and the extremists.

I voted for him because he and his team took the time to show the American people some respect, and actually presented a political platform and plan for the next four years.

People make it sound like “trashing Trump” is irrelevant. It’s not. He has earned every single badge of dishonor we have pinned on him, and they are a big reason I voted for Joe Biden.

If someone feels I am wrong about Trump’s accomplishments, please, give me examples.

Because I see over 200,000 people dead.

I see over 500 kids kidnapped from their parents.

I see educated experts in their fields being replaced with loyalist cronies looking out for their best interests.

I see the President of the United States worshipping foreign dictators as they oppress their people.

I see the President of the United States using violence against Americans who are peacefully protesting injustices, so he can have a photo op.

I see a person using toxic masculinity as a weapon to turn his citizens against each other.

And I see so much more, and I don’t like it. That is why I voted for Joe Biden.

I voted for him because I don’t believe the ignorant fools trying to make people believe they will lose their freedoms under Biden. They’ve been using that empty threat and fear tactic for years.

While they use it, they push their big business agenda right on through.

I still welcome the use of facts to discredit one thing I have said. Hateful, ignorant language is not going to convince me I’m on the wrong side of this. If anything, this proves why I can not vote for the current administration.

My morals will not allow it.

The world is a big place. It doesn’t hurt to gain some perspective and be a little open-minded. The only people who don’t like that are the ones trying to control the narrative. The ones trying to hide things, like tax records, affairs with porn stars, sexual assault allegations, and the facts. It’s why they keep making the same false claims, over 50 a day. It’s why they walk out on real interviews. Because it puts them in a situation where they can’t control the narrative.

I earned my first Facebook block as a result of this discussion, but I can say I earned it with truth and facts. I’ve marked the date on my calendar, and each year, I will make a donation to an organization fighting against hate and ignorance.

I had multiple people ask me to share these words because they helped them voice their thoughts as well, so here they are.

Don’t forget to vote.

